By Léandre Larouche, French Foreign Language Teaching Assistant, Canada I did not expect the end of the Fulbright FLTA mid-year conference to feel so weird. The conference, organized by Fulbright, gathered all 400+ Foreign…
FLTA Foreign Fulbright
By Gloriana Amador Agüero, 2018 Fulbright Foreign Student, Costa Rica For my first internship in the United States, I spent two months in green, friendly, Minneapolis, Minnesota. I’m a Fulbrighter from Costa Rica, studying…
FLTA Foreign Fulbright Fulbright-National Geographic Reach the World U.S. Fulbright
2019 Fulbright Year in Review
Fulbrighters around the globe spent the year teaching, pursuing research, and enacting community engagement, building mutual understanding in more than 140 countries, one connection at a time. Take a look back on some of…
By Jeffrey Thiele, Fulbright U.S. Student Open Study/Research Grantee to El Salvador As I reflect on my time as a 2018 Fulbright grantee to El Salvador, it might be easy to say that I…
FLTA Foreign Fulbright Reach the World
U.S. Classrooms Celebrate International Education Week with Fulbrighters
In celebration of International Education Week 2019, 10 Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistants will visit elementary, middle, and high schools in Kentucky, Nebraska, North Carolina, and Michigan. The visits will take place from November 18…