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U.S. Fulbright

U.S. Fulbright

About to Submit Your Fulbright U.S. Student Program Application? Make Sure You Review These Checklists.

September 30, 2015

The deadline for the 2016-17 Fulbright U.S. Student Program competition is Tuesday, October 13, 2015 (5:00 p.m., Eastern Time)!

If you’re in the final stretches of completing your online application, make sure you’ve fully reviewed the application checklists since components vary somewhat depending upon the type of Fulbright U.S. Student grant you’re applying for.

Ap checklist





Need some last minute application tips? Check out the following useful tips from current Fulbright-National Geographic Fellow Ryan Bell right here.

Have questions that need answering? Feel free to contact Fulbright U.S. Student Program staff or Embark Support.

What happens next? Click here to read about the selection process.

Good luck!


U.S. Fulbright

Making Friends in Unexpected Places

September 28, 2015
Philmon H.

Philmon Haile, 2014-2015, Jordan (right), with Abu Abed pouring tea after a delicious meal

After arriving in Amman, Jordan for the second time, I was very excited to see my old friends that I had made when I visited in 2013. Most of all, I was excited to reconnect with Abu Abed, the security guard at the language school where I studied during the summer of 2013, which is also the same school where I completed my Fulbright Critical Language Enhancement Award (CLEA). I did not tell him I would be coming back, wanting to surprise him. When I walked into the language school, he was shocked, immediately greeting me with kisses.

He is sort of a jack of all trades, and through our conversations, I have learned so much about Jordan’s history, language, and people. I would share stories about my hometown, Seattle. I would tell my story of being resettled in the United States as a refugee when I was a child, and talk about the diversity that makes the United States great and unique.

As a refugee from Eritrea, I connected with Abu Abed because he is one of millions of Palestinian-Jordanians who are refugees of previous conflicts. From our conversations and because of my background, I was inspired to learn more about issues facing current Syrian refugees in Jordan. Combining that desire and my passion for working with youth, after my CLEA, I decided to research the conditions of refugee youth through a research-orientated internship with the UN Refugee Agency.

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U.S. Fulbright

Dreams and Friendship in Macedonia

September 23, 2015

Abigail Jones, 2014–2015, Fulbright English Teaching Assistant to Macedonia (fourth from left), helped facilitate the Dreams and Friendship Exchange, a virtual exchange between students at Krste Petkov Misirkov in Bistrica, Macedonia and Ferry Pass Middle School in Pensacola, Florida. In this picture, some of the participants are shown after their last online class in May.

I arrived in Resen, Macedonia in a cab I paid too much for. I stood on the side of the road and called my host teacher from my new cell phone. I had only spoken to Maja twice, but I recognized the smile in her voice through the windshield of her red Volkswagon. My two under-twenty-five-kilo suitcases filled the backseat. I reached for a seatbelt that wasn’t there. Maja’s mother, Sonja, met us in their front yard and gave me the kind of hug I remember when I am asked to summarize my year in Macedonia.

My official Fulbright assignment was to assist in high school English classes. In the fall, I taught with Maja at the high school in Resen. My assignment moved to a music high school in Bitola for the spring. Throughout the year, I also spent two or three days a week at a junior high school in a village outside of Bitola, helping facilitate the pilot of an embassy-sponsored project called the Dreams and Friendship Exchange—a virtual exchange program that promotes English language learning and interethnic, intercultural understanding through partnering students in Macedonia and America.

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U.S. Fulbright

If I Were You

September 21, 2015
Casey Thorne

Casey Thorne, 2014-2015, Israel

As a classically trained ballet dancer, teacher, scholar, and the Founder/Artistic Director of Inside Out Contemporary Ballet, a professional dance company in the San Francisco Bay Area, I am increasingly aware of how far removed dance is from the every day life of a typical American. In America, unless you are an aspiring young dance student or a professional dancer, most of us have little to no interaction with dance beyond the occasional Zumba class, going to the club, watching “So You Think You Can Dance on TV,” or enjoying Beyoncé’s latest music video. More often than not, we have little to no engagement with dance as an important cultural phenomena that merits scholarly investigation, or as a vital, life affirming art. But why should we care about dance? Why does dance matter? What can it offer us beyond entertainment value or physical fitness? How can it connect us to ourselves and to others? To strangers, to foreigners? To nature? And why, in a world filled with illness, injustice, and poverty, should we invest our time and resources into daily dance practice and performance?

These questions are the motivation behind my Fulbright project entitled “If I Were You.” If I Were You – Project Israel is the second iteration of a long-term international outreach project that enlists the personal experiences and voices of global citizens to illuminate how dance can connect us to our shared humanity. My biggest piece of advice for any aspiring Fulbrighter is to be prepared to change your plans and remember that your work will continue well beyond your Fulbright experience. I admit that after a year of studying, teaching, and choreographing dance in Israel and the West Bank, I have more questions than I have answers. And yet, in spite of all the surprises, disappointments, and stones left unturned, I am a Fulbright alumna who is convinced that dance matters. And it matters, because I have witnessed, time and time again, the inherent ability of dance to expose that which is most personal to us, and also that which is most universal: the motivating rhythms of pain, desire, and love. Dance has the ability to illuminate our shared humanity in a wordless way, and to connect us to the very movement that makes anything alive.

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U.S. Fulbright

Promoting Peace over Breakfast: My Fulbright Year at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna

September 17, 2015
Elvia Vale

Elvia Valle, 2014-2015, Austria (second from right), at a conference at the United Nations in Vienna about social change with colleagues from from the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna representing Austria, Romania, the United States and the United Kingdom.

In the fall of 2014, I began attending the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna in Austria as a Fulbright Study/Research grant recipient. During my time here, I had been participating in the Academy’s Diploma Program, taking classes in many diverse topics: political science and international relations, the structure and functioning of international organizations and the European Union, economic and international economic relations, international law, institutional European law, contemporary political history, and language training in French and German.

During the week, I woke up in the morning and headed downstairs for breakfast. Usually, there were already students representing several countries such as England, Serbia, Moldova, Ethiopia, and Kazakhstan, to name a few, in the dining hall discussing social phenomena, cultural stereotypes, or recent international developments. Often, we also have the privilege of sharing such conversations with visiting professors. One need only come to breakfast to realize the commonality that brings us all together—a true desire and passion for making this world a better place.

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U.S. Fulbright

Time is Liquid, Time is Gold…Time is Liquid Gold

September 14, 2015
Samantha Kay Kobs, 2014-2015, Fulbright ETA to South Africa - 2

Samantha Kay Kobs. 2014-2015, Fulbright English Teaching Assistant to South Africa, works with students in an after school English club that she and Fulbright partner Meia Geddes created at their school in Bloemfontein, South Africa. These games, provided by the Office of English Language Programs, help students improve their English speaking skills by prompting them to answer a variety of questions about themselves and the world around them (Photo Credit: Meia Geddes, 2015 Fulbright English Teaching Assistant placed here with me in Bloemfontein, South Africa).

The bell rings. Moments later, I hear the shuffling of 1,300 pairs of shoes as I brace myself for yet another lunch break spent working in the library; our library—the one at Dr. Blok Secondary School in Bloemfontein, South Africa. The one that my Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) partner and I just reopened after six years of being locked up behind giant iron bars.

As a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in South Africa, I’ve had many responsibilities: helping teachers, creating after school clubs, and reaching out to businesses for sponsorships. I’ve also spent plenty of time reestablishing the school library that was seemingly forgotten. Abandoned. Thousands of books—mostly outdated, torn covers, and enough dust to cause some serious asthma attacks—had to be cleaned and organized in a logical manner. Then came teaching my students the absolute basics of library etiquette. This has been exasperating to say the least, but I often remind myself that my students do not mean to disorganize with their frantic book grabbing—they are simply enjoying the privileges of a library for the first time in their lives. Challenges aside, I love what I do, but sometimes it’s difficult to see the impact that you’re having when you’re so caught up in the busyness of it all.

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